Yes, RPG conventions abound and I can't go to most of them. 5 young kids, a job, and sleep deprived wife will do that to you.
So, that means I'm looking for someone (possibly 2 or 3 someones) to represent Kort'thalis Publishing at several upcoming conventions.
What does this entail? Mostly running Kort'thalis Publishing games, both systems and adventures, though not necessarily at the same time. How many games should you run? I'd say at least 8 scheduled hours, that's two 4-hour games, four 2-hour games, one 6-hour game and one 2-hour game, or some combination meeting the required minimum.
If you'd like to talk Kort'thalis Publishing up while you're hanging out with the gaming community, that would be great, too, but I'm not going to send in someone wearing a wire to prove it. Although, if you have or contribute to an RPG blog (or enjoy posting on RPG forums), please spill some ink on all the spilt blood that took place.
Not sure what all I've come out with in the last four years? check out the sidebar on the right or view my DriveThruRPG products here.
The reason I've waited this long is because I got burned my first time around. Badly burned. This guy lived not too far away from me in Wisconsin. He asked me if he could run some of my games. I enthusiastically replied yes, sent him PDFs, even invited him over to my house for a pizza & movie night with the guys and gave him a couple softcover books to use at the convention.
In the end, he flaked out on the entire convention. He never showed, never ran any games, didn't really have much of an excuse, and never contacted me afterwards (though, I emailed him). I had to find this out through the convention organizers at Game Hole Con.
Once bitten, twice shy, as the saying goes. Nevertheless, I'm determined not to let that singular shitty experience stop me from finding one or more Kort'thalis Publishing convention representatives.
Here's what I'm offering in 2017 and 2018... your choice of either four Kort'thalis Publishing PDFs or $25 (this assumes you already own a few of my RPG products). It's not much, but should help pay for convention attendance. Note that this compensation is per convention. That means if you represent Kort'thalis Publishing at three conventions, you could make $75. Paypal automatically changes payment into whatever currency the receiver uses, so this offer is open to international gamers and RPG conventions, as well.
It should go without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway - any kind of support in the form of GMing advice is just an email away. If you're reading something and want my opinion on different ways you could run it, I'm always here.
Obviously, know what you're getting into, if there's a chance you'll flake out, don't bother responding to this ad (emergency situations are understandable, just let me know ASAP). If you're not willing to touch even PG-13 material (let alone "R"), then probably best if you pass this opportunity on by, as well. Do you enjoy rule-heavy games with lots of crunch, tedious tactical simulations, and long boring parts devoid of sex, violence, and tentacles? Move along, hoss. This ain't for you!
Also, be familiar with who you're working with (I'd prefer to think of you as a co-fan, rather than employee). Just as an example, 9 times out of 10, I'm a peach to be around, as many will attest... but that 1 time I'm like a caged tiger pimp with a bitch-slapping hand. In other words, it takes a whole lot to make me angry (like the aforementioned douche bag who I'm not going to name). When I get to that point, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
That's it! If you know someone who might be interested, please share this blog post with them.
Venger As'Nas Satanis
High Priest of Kort'thalis Publishing
p.s. Like dungeons? The S'rulyan Vault II kickstarter is happening right now!